Superkeys are special commands that allow you to program up to five different functions on one key.
They work through the “tap dance.” They input one character or another depending on which combination of presses you perform.
None of them is programmed with Defy, so we must create them from scratch. To do so, find the button on the sidebar of Bazecor’s menu.
Once you access the Superkeys editor, the first step is to create a new superkey. Just click on the menu at the top and create a new item. A window to name the superkey will pop up, and you can choose to name it or not; we recommend doing so because it makes it easier to work with them. Either way, it will have a number assigned to it, so you can later assign it to the keyboard.
The next step is to define the functionalities associated with each keypress. You’ll be able to choose among the different steps of the tap dance: tap, hold, double tap, tap and hold, and double-tap and hold.
Each can contain a character, a shortcut, a layer lock, and even a macro.
Although the superkeys expand the keyboard's possibilities, they have a few limitations.
- You can’t set them as an “Add a key on tap” layer or a “One shot layer” exchange; you can only set them as a “layer lock.”
- Mouse actions are restricted to clicks and mouse movement, and the wheel cannot be controlled via superkeys.
- Advanced modifiers are also restricted.
Superkeys are sequences of presses that the keyboard needs to read, and they might not input the characters or chords as quickly as regular keys. However, those values can be adjusted in the settings section. If you need guidance on the settings, we recommend you join our Discord server and ask other users; you’ll find someone in a similar situation ready to help.
Check out this video to learn more about the superkeys.