What does the rainbow mode look like?
How do I put the LEDs on rainbow mode?
The Raise has 4 LED effects. These effects can be selected when you press the LED NEXT or LED PREVIOUS.
On the factory default layer, which is the layer that the Raise comes with before you configure anything, the LED NEXT function is located on the Dygma key on the right half of the Raise.
To put the LED NEXT function on your Raise, go to Bazecor > Layout Editor > select a key > Media & LED > Next light effect.
Apply changes and SAVE (on the top right corner).
Then press that key several times until your Raise LEDs are multicolored, and cycling through all the colors like a Rainbow:
What does Rainbow mode have to do with firmware updates?
In older versions of Bazecor, in order for it to update your Raise firmware correctly, you had to manually set your Raise to Rainbow mode before updating the firmware. Why?
The reason was that, during the firmware update, all the LEDs had to be on their brightest. But why again?
There was a bug in the firmware update that, for some computers, didn't successfully flash the firmware if the LEDs are off or dim. We decided to put that rule of putting the LEDs on rainbow mode for simplicity because all the keys are at their maximum brightness when in that mode.
Were there other ways to put the keys at maximum brightness in the old Bazecors?
1. On old Bazecor, select the color and open the color palette. The color picker has to be dragged to the top section.
2. Go to Preferences, put the LED brightness to maximum.