Not yet shipped:
If we haven't shipped your order, you can request a refund anytime. We will cancel it, and you will get your money back in a few days.
If you have already received a shipping confirmation email, your order has been shipped and can't be canceled. When the product arrives at your address, you can write to us and initiate the return/refund process, the instructions of which are in the next section, “Delivered.”
You have 30 calendar days from receiving an item to return it. To be eligible for a return, your item must be new, in perfect condition, and show no signs of use. It must also have its original packaging, and all the components must be complete and not damaged. Contact us to request a return.
The shipping costs of returning your order would have to be paid by you.
- If you are shipping from the European Union, the shipping cost is $30.
- If you are shipping from the US or other non-EU countries, the shipping cost is $50.
If the product isn't in perfect condition when we inspect it (it has visible marks, scratches, dents, or dirt), we will give you two options:
1- We can ship it back to you for $20.
2- We can do a partial refund only, depending on its state.
Once we receive the keyboard, we will review it and let you know that we received your returned item. We will immediately let you know the status of your refund.
If your return is approved, we will initiate a refund to your credit card (or original payment method). Depending on your card issuer's policies, you will receive credit within several days.
What if I have received a damaged product?
If you receive the product damaged, we will cover the expenses of shipping it back to us. We can then send you a new product or issue you a refund. Just contact us, and we’ll provide you with an adequate solution.